Information Systems Programmer


picture of tests

Job description

This especific service was about a test of performance in an API integration using, at first, NodeJs and Express into a Docker Container. Those tests was necessary to know how many resouces would be necessary to use when production mode project. After that the project was integrated and tested using TypeScript with NestJS.

study picture

Considering the necessity of monitoring and keep tests working in a good mood, a study of tools and ways to monitoring it was started. Tools like Elasticsearch and Kibana, Prometheus and Grafana was analysed to pick the best choice. But, more than that, the necessity to monitoring over than an project emerged: monitoring everything.

picture of tests

JavaScript, NodeJS, Prometheus (PromQL) and Grafana was the chosen tools to iniciate de montoriing project. At first, the server where services is running was monitored, after that, any container (service/microservice) into it. Metrics was collected and calculations using PromQL was adaptaded to the necessity of any service an its main functions. Services as RabbitMQ, Nginx and Docker was monitored and visual graphics created to good visualization. Prom-client (TypeScript & NodeJS) was chosen to extract metrics of the software.